Bringing cosmology & science to everyone

All about Eden White

Eden spent 50 years working in the Medical Device Industry in Australia and the Asia Pacific Region. Eden specialized in the implantation of surgical devices and as a full-time surgical device trainer. He retired several years ago.

Cosmology – Particle Physics and Astronomy

Eden was originally captivated by the need to understand how the universe began and what contribution did quantum particles play in the epoch of time, equally Eden’s deep interest has driven him to spend a significant amount of time endeavoring to understand such a profound subject.

Today, Eden is a contributing member of MPAS, an active astronomy club situated in Mornington Australia, Eden also runs a Cosmology Discovery Group and is the author and producer of Cosmic Corner E-magazine, which has a global reach. Eden gives talks on cosmology to groups, schools, and interested clubs around the state of Victoria while managing his active website.

Eden takes an interest in writing and has published 2 books by BEP Business Expert Press New York and is set to publish his third book in the next year.

Cosmic Corner issues:

Each fortnight Eden publishes his Cosmic Corner E-page talking about everything cosmology, Science, and particle physics. Cosmic Corner covers the latest research being published on a global scale. Cosmic Corner is found by email, Facebook, Facebook Light, Instagram, and Linked In. Cosmic Corner is listed on this site including all past issues to read.

Cosmology in Astronomy Clubs:

Eden fully believes in assimilating the subject of cosmology into astronomy clubs and sees both sciences going hand in hand. When you are looking through your telescope next, imagine what it would be like if you knew the background of what you are seeing.

To contact Eden email

What is cosmology and why does it stand in the middle of astrophysics and astronomy?

Cosmology is a branch of astronomy that involves the origin and evolution of the universe, from the Big Bang to today and on into the future and to the end of the universe. Only recently has cosmology now started to look closely at what came before the epoch of time.

According to NASA, the definition of cosmology is “the scientific study of the large scale properties of the universe as a whole”

Cosmologists puzzle over exotic concepts like string theory, dark matter and dark energy and whether there is one universe or many (sometimes called the multiverse). While other aspects astronomy deal with individual objects and phenomena or collections of objects, cosmology spans the entire universe from birth to death, with a wealth of mysteries at every stage.

Humanity’s understanding of the universe has evolved significantly over time. In the early history of astronomy, Earth was regarded as the center of all things, with planets and stars orbiting it. In the 16th century, Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus suggested that Earth and the other planets in the solar system in fact orbited the sun, creating a profound shift in the understanding of the cosmos, according to The Royal Society. In the late 17th century, Isaac Newton calculated how the forces between planets — specifically the gravitational forces — interacted.

During the 1900’s the study and research of cosmology came of age with significant NASA research; photographing the Cosmic Microwave Radiation determining the real age of the universe at 13.72 billion years of age.

Cosmic Corner tackles all of the big picture mysteries and uncovers and reports on the latest research of cosmology. Each issue of Cosmic Corner covers difficult subjects, uncovers what research is published, and gives an objective view of each published report.

- Eden White - Cosmology author and communicator.